Little Blue Little Yellow by Leo Lionni has been chosen for January's book club.

Young kids will love to listen this story and go through its pages. They will sure have fun with all the games we are going to do on it :)

Little Blue and Little Yellow are best friends, but one day they can't find each other. When they finally do, they give each other such a big hug that they turn green! How they find their true colours again concludes a wonderfully satisfying story told with colourful pieces of torn paper and very few words. Leo Lionni launched his children's book career in 1959 with Little Blue and Little Yellow, and this 50th-anniversary edition, complete with Lionni's own explanation of how the book came to be, is sure to resonate with children today and is open to all kind of families.


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#englishclasses #kidslit #clasesdeinglesparachicos
#clasesdeingles #enero #january #bookofthemonth
#librodelmes #clases #ingles #curso #taller #lesson